USA Business Database

usa business database

USA Business Database

USA business database or USA company database is a list of contact details of USA business owners, USA company owners and USA corporate decision makers. Contact list of USA business owners, USA company owners and corporate decision makers contain email id list and contact numbers of business owners, company owners and corporate decision makers along with other details like designation or job title, company profile, industry segment, turn over or revenue, website url, number of employees, entity type, SIC/ NAICS code etc.

Details of USA Business Database & USA Company Database

Total Quantity: 4,378,962 unique records ( Above 4 Million records). (all mandatory fields like business name, owner/ decision makers name & contact details are present in all records). Please check samples for details.

Price: USD $ 49 only (all inclusive)

Usage: For any sort of b2b marketing, b2b email marketing or b2b telemarketing. Extremely useful for promoting any service or product to businesses, companies & corporates.

Fields: All important fields & information relevant to the data is mentioned in the sheet. USA Business Database consists of name of the company, decision makers/ owners of the company, decision makers/ owners email id, decision makers/ owners phone & mobile number, designation or job title, company profile, industry segment, turn over or revenue, website url, number of employees, entity type, SIC/ NAICS code etc. Check sample file for details.

Accuracy: 80% – 85% (verified by zero bounce & never bounce)

Updated: Collected & Updated on October 2024

Location: All over USA, all states & cities are included

Format: Excel ( Microsoft Office Excel)

Customization: You can customize it by location, industry, turn over, job title, employee size or any other parameter mentioned in the USA Company Database after buying by filtering columns in excel.

Payment: PayPal and Credit & Debit Cards via PayPal ( UPI & Bank Transfer available for customers located in India only, contact us for details)

Delivery: Instant download link after payment (we will also send the download link to your email)

Salient Features

Fully customizable as per exact requirement

One time payment & lifelong access to update.

Instant download after payment

Easy to use excel format

All unique records, no duplicates

High accuracy rate

Updated Frequently

All verified contact


Reach to decision makers directly

Direct contact details of your target audience

Generate more leads

Can be used for both b2b email & b2b tele marketing

Includes all sizes of companies & all industries

Includes all kinds of decision makers like CEOs, VPs, MD, Directors, Owners, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, CMOs/ Marketing heads etc.   

Details & Specification

Source of the data: Our B2B USA corporate Database or USA business database are collected from various offline sources like business workshops, seminars, trade fairs, expos, business events etc and various online sources like Zoom info, hoovers, Apollo, LinkedIn etc.

Fields: All important fields & information relevant to the data is mentioned in the sheet. B2B USA Company Database consists of name of the company, decision makers/ owners of the company, decision makers/ owners email id, decision makers/ owners phone & mobile number, designation or job title, company profile, industry segment, turn over or revenue, website url, number of employees, entity type, SIC/ NAICS code etc. Check sample file for details.

Accuracy: We are committed to provide highly accurate & correct details in our databases. All records in our database are verified by various online tools like Zerobounce and Neverbounce and manually double checked with other platforms like ZoomInfo, Apollo, LinkedIn etc. We check & verify our database in regular frequent intervals.

Updating & update file access: The current data is collected & updated in October 2024, every year we collect & acquire new data around September- October. You will get the lifelong access to update. You will get new update files automatically in the folder every year ( the download link which will be shared with you). Keep the download link safe with you, you can download the data files again in future if in case you loose the data files in your computer. You can also access the update files every year around September- October via that link.

Customization: You can customize this data as per your exact requirement & need. To customize the data with any parameter, just filter that column in  excel like industry, location, state, revenue or turnover etc.

Payment: You can pay securely via your PayPal account or by Credit or debit card via PayPal by clicking in the “buy & download” button in this page. (we provide UPI & Bank transfer payment option only for the customers located in India, if you are in India, please feel free to contact us for details)

Delivery: After payment, you will be automatically redirected to the data file download link page. Just click on that link and download the entire folder on your computer. The folder will contain multiple excel files inside it. For any difficulty in downloading the data files, please contact us.

(Please note: Open the excel files are downloading your computer, directly opening the files online in Google drive may take longer time as file sizes are big. Keep the download link safe with you, you download the data files again in future if in case you loose the data files in your computer. You can also access the update files every year around September- October via that link). If you lose the link, please contact us by mentioning the specific email id which you mentioned in the payment form.)

Location: It includes all location all over United States. All cities and states are covered by default.

Quantity: 4,378,962 unique records ( over 4 million records)

Price: USD $ 49 (all inclusive, including PayPal transaction charges)

For privacy policy, terms & conditions & use, data legitimacy and refund policy, please check our FAQs section.